How Do You Sharpen The Blades On A Wood Planer?

by:V-hold Machinery      2023-10-24

How Do You Sharpen The Blades On A Wood Planer?


Wood planers are an essential tool for any woodworking enthusiast or professional. Over time, the blades of a wood planer can become dull and lose their sharpness, leading to subpar results. Sharpening the blades regularly is crucial to maintain the tool's performance and achieve precise and smooth wood surfaces. In this article, we will outline the step-by-step process for sharpening the blades on a wood planer, along with some expert tips to ensure optimal results.

Understanding the Importance of Sharp Blades

Benefits of Sharp Blades

Maintaining sharp blades on your wood planer offers several advantages. Firstly, it ensures smooth and even cuts, enhancing the overall quality of your woodworking projects. Dull blades tend to produce rough and uneven surfaces, leading to additional sanding efforts. Moreover, sharp blades reduce the risk of tear-out and splintering while planing, resulting in cleaner and more professional finishes. Additionally, sharp blades minimize strain on the motor of your planer, prolonging its lifespan and reducing the need for costly repairs.

1. Gathering the Necessary Materials

2. Preparing the Planer

3. Removing and Inspecting the Blades

4. Sharpening the Blades

5. Reinstalling the Blades and Testing

1. Gathering the Necessary Materials:

Before diving into the blade sharpening process, it's essential to assemble all the required materials. Here's a list of what you'll need:

- Screwdriver or Allen wrench (depending on the type of screws holding the blades)

- Blade-removal jig

- Sharpening stones or sandpaper in various grits (starting from coarse to fine)

- Lubricating oil or honing fluid

- Clean cloth or towel

- Safety gloves and goggles

2. Preparing the Planer:

Prepare your work area by clearing any clutter or debris. This will provide a clean and organized space to work on your wood planer. It's also advisable to unplug the planer from the power source to prevent any accidental activation during the sharpening process.

3. Removing and Inspecting the Blades:

Start by removing the planer's blade covers or guards, exposing the blades underneath. Consult the manufacturer's manual to determine the specific procedure for accessing the blades. Once you have clear access, use a screwdriver or Allen wrench to remove the screws securing the blades in place. Take note of the screws' location and order as you'll need to reinstall them correctly later. After removing the blades, inspect them for any signs of damage or excessive wear. If the blades are severely damaged or have extensive nicks, it may be necessary to replace them altogether.

4. Sharpening the Blades:

a. Using Sharpening Stones: If you choose sharpening stones, start with a coarse grit (around 240) and gradually work your way up to finer grits. Wet the stone with water or lubricating oil and firmly hold it against the blade's beveled edge. Begin moving the stone back and forth while maintaining a consistent angle (usually around 25-30 degrees). Continue this motion until you achieve a burr along the entire length of the blade; this indicates that the metal has been properly reshaped. Repeat the process on the other side of the blade. Finally, switch to a finer grit stone (around 1000) to remove the burr and achieve a polished edge.

b. Using Sandpaper: Alternatively, sandpaper can be used instead of sharpening stones. Start by affixing the sandpaper (coarse grit) to a flat surface such as a glass pane or granite countertop. Place the blade beveled edge down on the sandpaper and move it back and forth while maintaining the desired angle. Ensure even pressure distribution to achieve a consistent sharpening. As you progress, switch to finer grit sandpaper, repeating the process until the desired sharpness is achieved.

5. Reinstalling the Blades and Testing:

After sharpening, clean the blades with a clean cloth or towel to remove any residual metal shavings. Apply a few drops of lubricating oil or honing fluid to prevent rusting and promote smooth movements. Now, carefully reinstall the blades in the correct order, referring to the notes you made during their removal. Tighten the screws securely but avoid over-tightening. Once the blades are securely in place, put back the blade covers or guards.

Before connecting the planer to the power source and resuming normal operations, it's essential to perform a quick test. Run a scrap piece of wood through the planer to ensure that the blades are properly installed and aligned. Check for any irregularities in the planed surface, such as tear-out or rough spots. If everything appears smooth and even, congratulations – you have successfully sharpened the blades of your wood planer!


Maintaining sharp blades on your wood planer is crucial for achieving precise, smooth, and professional wood surfaces. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this article, along with the necessary safety precautions, you can keep your wood planer performing at its best. Remember to regularly inspect and sharpen the blades to ensure optimal woodworking results and prolong the lifespan of your tool. Happy woodworking!

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